Showing posts with label park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label park. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015


Sandy hill
It rained all weekend, which was badly needed, but being cooped up indoors means that you have time to miss the green.  So I took a virtual meander through my memory cards and found these from Del Valle Regional Park. 

It's a nice and easy stroll, with some rolling hills (see above) and very little elevation gain. There's a expansive lake which I captured a tiny piece of, and which is probably the park's best and main feature. When the weather is more accommodating, you can kayak, boat, fish, and possibly even swim. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good shot, it probably seems squat and dirty from that angle, so you're just going to have to take my word for it. 
red trees lake

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Red Rock2
Red Rock Canyon
I been away from this site for awhile, partly from lack of discipline, and partly to discipline myself to get away from my computer. This thing sucks up way too much time. Do I want to look back on my life and recall that 70% of it was spent online? So that was my train of thought

In order to distract myself, I went here: Red Rock Canyon, a little ways outside Las Vegas. Most people come to Vegas to indulge in their vices, and I came here and got lost. This park is good for climbers, and people that stay on the road. It's a relaxing scenic drive, and everyone you see teetering out in the fringes is most likely bushwhacking. That's where I was, mucking about.

There are hardly any signs to show you where you are, and no one mentioned this little detail on Trip Advisor. But if you keep the main road in sight and don't have a tendency to wander, the scenery will grip you. The rock is red in color, and thereby gives the park it's name, I assume. Nature rarely gives you this much color to work with, this much texture.  When I got back, I assumed I had become a much better photographer.

Red Rock10 Red Rock1 Red Rock19

Monday, August 11, 2014


Subway pools
Subway Pools/Flickr

I'm going to be out and about this week and the beginning of the next, so here's just...some interesting content. It's not always possible to travel across the pond (now, by "pond" I mean the Atlantic or Pacific ocean, depending on your preferred coast), so it's nice to know someplace a little closer to home that doesn't suck. 

This above image is the from Utah Zion National Park courtesy of this guy.

And here are a few others I've found...
Zion National Park
The Subway
The Subway
Zion National Park
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