It's a fairly common excuse to say that you're too old to try something, to bring up that line about old dogs and new tricks. Well, think again!
If you're on instagram and looking for daily bits of inspiration to follow instead of just fashion and food, here's a good one. She puts up a some interesting quotes that help kick the mind into gear. There are good quotes, and there are some really generic ones out there. She provides the first kind.
An interesting read about how to keep your mind in top shape.
Let's say you didn't read the previous link - the one about mental work outs? Well, here's the app he mentioned - it's basically virtual flashcards you can use on your phone. The more you use the flashcards, the more you remember. Let me know if this works. Seriously.
Right now, every website is treated the same by every internet provider (think Verizon), so each website should load up and open at the same rate no matter how popular the site (this blog or Hulu should run at the same rate). But this may not always be true. Soon, larger websites who can pay for the privilege may get priority over smaller sites, and someone else may decide whether or not websites you go to will load properly or be accessible. The FCC recently lost their case against broadband providers to enforce net neutrality principles against them, so there may be some rough going ahead. I'm just spreading the word.
The Man Repeller is one of the most successful fashion blogs in existence...but she doesn't wear makeup. It's intriguing to a certain degree. What's more intriguing is her response when someone calls her "ugly as fuck."
Just found out about this site. This blogger found a way to heal her Postural Tachycardia Syndrome through eating a healthy plant-based diet, and now shares recipes. Speaking of making lemonade out of Tachycardia...there's also an app.
Anton Chekov on the 8 Qualities of Cultured People
Beautifully said.
Anton Chekov on the 8 Qualities of Cultured People
Beautifully said.