Monday, November 25, 2013


As it's Thanksgiving weekend coming up, I'm going to up my link quota.

Nanowrimo Punctuation Tips
How to properly use dashes, hyphens, parentheses, quote marks (double and single), apostrophes, ellipses, brackets, slashes, question marks, and exclamation points.

Dating and Inspiration
The Craziest OkCupid Date Ever
They traveled 8 countries in 21 days. With no luggage and no money.
They visited all the places I've always wanted to go: Turkey, Croatia, Hungary, except they did it in a way that I can only recreate in my imagination.

The Successful Writer's Work Ethic with Kerry Wilkinson
This man writes 1000 words per hour. My God. This post makes me deeply ashamed of the amount of time I spend trolling Craigslist for used bikes.

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Filmmaking (in 240+) Links
Ever thought/considered/dreamed/fantasized/fetishized/investigated/vaguely mentally analyzed how to make a movie? I have. Here's a link.

How Squinching Will Make You Look Good in Photos
Squinching: to slightly squint your eyes. It has never occurred to me to do this - I usually just smile so it looks like I'm having fun regardless of reality, but could this work?

You Can Do Anything: Must Every Kids' Movie Reinforce the Cult of Self Esteem?
True? Not true?

10 Travel Web Sites Worth Bookmarking


  1. Thanks for the tips.
    I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect! Here's mine;

  2. Thanks for the follow - and for providing a link where I can easily find you. I have followed you back!


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